Question 4: Opting In Or Out – Do You Know Your Options?

American novelist Ron Carlson once noted “Life is an aggregate of experience, which continually surprises us.” There are indeed surprises and insight that can come from aggregation when it comes to ag data.  Combining data to see trends in agriculture is done frequently.  Do you know if your Ag Tech providers are aggregating your operations’ data? 

Companies must specify what their contracts include on this topic to earn the Ag Data Transparent seal.  Here is insight from Beck’s Hybrids on their approach.

“At Beck’s, we believe that the farmer that uses our FARMserver cloud-based platform should not have their data automatically aggregated with everyone else’s.  Therefore, our FARMserver platform begins with the understanding that your data will not be shared or aggregated unless you expressly consent to do so. We think farmers should have that choice to opt out of aggregated data sharing and should understand what aggregating data means--before they sign up.” – Craig Rogers, Precision Farming Lead at Beck’s Hybrids.

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