‘Better Decisions Faster’ Is the End Result for My Dairy Dashboard

Serving thousands of dairy producers, dairy advisers, and dairy companies, My Dairy Dashboard has one simple goal: enable customers to make better decisions faster.

My Dairy Dashboard was established in May of 2017 to visualize and analyze a dairy’s key performance metrics, putting simple yet powerful data visuals at the fingertips of producers and consultants. The platform connects data sources (e.g., dairy management, feed, milk processor and weather) in one place, making data easier for dairy producers and their advisers to view and analyze.

“Given the definition of our product, we have been pulling in customer data right from the start,” explains Mitch Norby, CEO at My Dairy Dashboard. “It takes quite a bit of work to develop all of the automation to collect, process, and standardize the data. Members of our team have worked in the internet-delivered data processing world for nearly 30 years. We are very familiar with what it takes to deploy modern data security capabilities into applications like My Dairy Dashboard.”

While experience in the internet-delivered data processing world ensure My Dairy Dashboard customers’ data is safe, the company’s ADT Certified seal helps convince its customers of this.

“We knew that the ADT principles and the associated certification would be table stakes for My Dairy Dashboard. It has been very easy to point to ADT and our certification to answer concerns regarding data ownership, access, and processing,” says Norby. “[ADT] simplifies all of the discussions around how we are handling data. We are always willing to go into the nitty-gritty details if necessary, but simply mentioning the ADT certification usually answers the concerns.”

That simple assurance provided by ADT allows My Dairy Dashboard to focus on what it does best: enabling customers to make better decisions faster.

Mark SullivanComment