GISC - Data Security and Privacy are Top Priority

In 2010, spurred by his experience in the banking industry, Billy Tiller decided farmers should be utilizing data more readily. So in 2011, along with a friend, he started building a Data Exchange. It wasn’t long before Tiller realized that clear communication around ownership of the farm data would be critical. Grower Information Services Cooperative (GiSC) was birthed out of this issue.

The base platform of GiSC is AgHub. AgHub is a geo-organized, SAAS, web-based application that collects, stores and shares data. It is built on simplicity and standardization of agronomic/farm operation data and, perhaps most importantly, can be customized for any organization.

“Data privacy and security is a top priority for us, as it should be for any technology company,” says Tiller. As evidence of that priority, GiSC has a strong history with Ag Data Transparent (ADT).  Tiller explains, “In 2014, AFBF (American Farm Bureau Federation) was trying to understand what should be done about privacy and ownership around Ag Data. The Texas Farm Bureau Executive Director, Mr. Vernie Glasson, contacted my Board President, Mr. Dewey Hukill and wanted his opinion on how we should be working around security and safety of the farmer’s data. GiSC helped write the policies for Texas Farm Bureau and then Nationally around ag data within AFBF. That work led to a broader interest in GiSC as the ADT was forming.  GiSC signed up at the first opportunity to be part of the founders of Ag Data Transparency, and I was part of an interim Board that hired the current Director, Todd Janzen. ADT provides a place for a farmer to get the Cliff Notes on transparency about current products.”

Having good “Cliff Notes” on this topic is important, because Tiller believes in letting the farmer figure it out. “Regulation is not the way to put the farmer in control, and that is my opinion. Farmers are smart businesspeople.” Tiller goes on, “If regulators begin to emerge, then GiSC could play a pivotal role to make sure that the farmer is heard around the data ownership, financial benefits, and data control issues. GiSC must be a voice for the grower to the industry speaking out for their rights around data collection and use.”

ADT is a vital step to ensuring that all data management organizations take this same approach. “We believe in the benefits of ADT and we have to tell the story. This is a game-changer, but only if we can educate the industry.”

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