Question 11: What Happens to Your Ag Data During a Tech Ownership Change? ADT Question 11 Spells it Out

Farmers almost need a scorecard on the office wall to keep track of the many mergers and acquisitions in the agricultural industry over the past decade.  When company ownership changes hands, what happens to the ag data being collected? Whose rules apply to how the data is used going forward? Questions like this are addressed in ADT Question 11 which deals with ownership changes: Do the tech company’s data agreements address what happens to user data if the tech provider is sold to another company?

 By asking companies to spell out how they will address data agreements should the company be sold, farmers can clearly understand what to expect.  The National Farmers Union is a supporter of ADT certification and comments on the importance of knowing what happens to data under tech company ownership transitions.

 “ADT helps farmers better understand how service providers will handle their data. Within the rapidly changing and evolving ag data sector, there have been several acquisitions and mergers, so farmers rightly have questions about how data agreements dictate what happens when companies combine. ADT provides clarity on that topic and directly asks all certified participants to disclose – in plain language – how changes in company ownership affect the availability and treatment of producer data.

 ADT is an important service for farmers and ranchers who want to incorporate emerging data technologies into their operations while being well-informed about the agreements they enter into.”

 In a world where change is the constant, ADT is helping provide transparency, simplicity and trust for farmers and their tech providers.