1. What categories of data does the product or service collect from me?

  • Agronomic Data

  • Land Data

  • Farm Management Data

  • Machine Data

  • Weather Data

Section 2 of our Data Access and Use Agreement defines the five types of Ag Data we collect: Agronomic Data, Land Data, Farm Management Data, Machine Data, and Weather and Climate Data. Various examples of information collected in these categories is provided in our Data Access and Use Agreement.


2. Do the ATP’s agreements address ownership of my data after my data is transferred?

Section 1 of our Data Access and Use Agreement states that Ag Data is owned by the Customer and Customer has the right to grant access thereto. By using our Services, certain subsets of Ag Data are anonymized and aggregated. Aggregated Data is owned by GROWMARK, as explained in Section 2.b. of our Data Use and Access Agreement.




3. If the ATP contracts with other companies to provide data related services, does the ATP require these companies to adhere to the ATP’s privacy policies with me?

Section 3.c. of our Data Access and Use Agreement states that we require all third parties contractors that have access to your Ag Data to abide by the terms and conditions of this Data Access and Use Agreement terms.


4. Will the ATP obtain my consent before providing other companies with access to my data?

Section 3.c. of our Data Access and Use Agreement provides that “[i]n the event Company offers additional integrations that allow Ag Data sharing with other third party platforms, Customer’s consent will be obtained before Customer’s Ag Data is disclosed to such third party platforms.


5. After I upload data to the ATP, will it be possible to retrieve my original complete dataset in an original or equivalent format?

Section 2.b. of our Data Access and Use Agreement states that Customer’s original Ag Data will be maintained by Company and may be retrieved by Customer at any time during the life of this Agreement, so long as Customer’s account with Company is current and paid in full.


6. Will the ATP notify me when its agreements change?

Section 5 of our Data Access and Use Agreement contains a commitment that we will provide notice to the Customer if amending this agreement.


7. Will the ATP notify me if a breach of data security occurs that causes disclosure of my data to an outside party?

Section 4 of the Data Access and Use Agreement states that Company shall notify Customer in the event of a data breach that causes disclosure of Ag Data that has not been authorized by Customer.


8. Upon my request, can my original dataset be deleted when my contract with the ATP terminates?

Under Section 3.b. of the Data Access and Use Agreement, the Company shall destroy Ag Data in the Company’s possession within 30 days following receipt of notice that Customer desires to terminate their account. Certain aggregated data included in Company Information may not be destroyed.


9. Do the ATP’s agreements establish how long my original datasets will be retained?

Our agreements do not define this. More information: Data Access and Use Agreement.


10. Do the ATP’s agreements address what happens to my data if the ATP is sold to another company?

Our agreements do not define this. More information: Data Access and Use Agreement.